29 August 2007


After a 2 week break in London (now declared my "lala" land) - bashing it out in the fine countryside of West Sussex, Canada Water, Regent Street and Whitehall Court, I have arrived back to my newly-adopted transient location, Hong Kong.

How quickly those 2 weeks have gone by... Lip & Anna's wedding, Life in the UK test, PR woes, Poker Nights and silly jokes at Whitehall Court, a BBQ at lovely MC's, picnic in Greenwich Park, visit to the Operating Theatre Museum, dinners/lunches/cream teas etc. along with a dose of the British summer weather.

And also another piece of good news, I have finally gotten my British residency! Yay!
So what does that mean exactly? Well it means I can stay in the UK for as long as I like with no restrictions to work and the likes.

It got me thinking quite a bit I must say in those past 2 weeks that have gone by at the blink of the eye. How much I liked the life I was leading in London, how peaceful everything is over there, the quirky inefficiencies of Britain, how I missed my friends terribly and how they miss moi too!

However, things have changed somewhat. I cannot help but think of how I might be coping if I were to move back to London again. I am now, essentially homeless there, the EX has soo moved on (it's painful to think even), what kind of job will I, or rather, can I take up that allows me to feed, house myself?

So many dreams so many conflicts of interests! The constant struggle in my heart and mind....

I LOVE LONDON! AND ALL of you THERE!!! (you know who you are)...will I move again? Will it be for the same reasons as HK? Have I grown up or worryingly, have I gone deeper into dreamland??

Questions questions questions...without answers.

08 August 2007

Are you for real?

A very minor incident that occured today made me realise the subtle differences between friends that will go all out to make your day a great one and those that really are only there when the going is good.

Again - life's lessons learnt.

What day is it today? 8th August.